Watunna [of the So>to, on the Ventuari & upper Caura rivers]

p. 1 tribal names

source of names



Makiritare {cf. MAKIlImbo, Bel. Congo}

Arekuna & Taulipan

Mayonkon {cf. MAYOKO, Niari, Fr. Congo}

(subdivisions of So>to)

Ihuru-hana, Deku-hana/Yeku-hana, Kunu-hana






"magico-religious festivals known as Wanwanna."

[Kiri.] /WANaWANA/ ‘intelligence, wisdom, sagacity" (K-EF--S)


male wrestlers : "On their shoulders are wooden triangles from which electric eels hang ... The eel is the master of Akuena, the Celestial Lake".

[Maori] Tuna the eel-god : "Kawa and Maraenui were hanging on Tuna’s forehead like veils" (M-PCD, s.v. "KAWA (myth.)"} This Tuna (‘eel’) was one of the "electric fishes" (TPRSNZ 7:19).

16, fn. *

"initiation ... for the individual girl immediately upon her first menstruation. This initial ceremony, the Ahishto Hya>cati, in which her head is completely shaved, is followed approximately three months later by the Yena Cajodi, or First Iarake Ceremony, wherein her newly grown hair is cut in the women’s style".


K-EF--S = "Kiribati-English finderlist" http://www.trussel.com/kir/dic/find_s.htm

M-PCD = Edward Tregear : The Maori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary. Wellington : Lyon & Blair, 1891. p. 140 http://www.nzetc.org/tm/scholarly/tei-TreMaor-c1-5.html

T&PRSNZ = TRANSACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND for 1874. http://rsnz.natlib.govt.nz/volume/rsnz_07/rsnz_07_00_000790.html

events in epochs of the 3 damodede-s (messengers) sent by Wanadi (God) from Kahun~a (heaven) to Nono (the earth); and in epochs of the brethren of Wanadi {cf. [Culhua-Mexica etc.] royal succession of brethren}




his deeds




Seruhe Ianadi

from his placenta (p. 190), Odos^a was born -- placenta at "the nest of white ants" (p. 212)

emmet-eating aardvark-god [Kemian] SWTH




he dreamt into existence his own mother, Kumari-awa (so that she remained a virgin)

[Skt.] KUMARI ‘virgin girl’


he had (p. 24) Hue-hanna

cf. HUE in Annam ?



Hue-hanna = tinamou, from whose eggs as cups kaahi [= kaapi = Banisteriopsis] is drunk in Kahun~a




"Related to the word for Heaven, Kahu {which would thus derive from */kapu/}," kaahi is drunk by huhai ("pronounced Fhufhai") "to travel to Heaven" (p. 182) riding upon mu:de ("a low, wooden seat carved in either the form of a jaguar or a monkey." – p. 180).

cf. [the controversy in India about whether] it is a mother-cat or a mother-monkey who can transport the believers to heaven (BhTK).



he "just opened the chakara ["shaman’s medicine pouch" (p. 178)] and stuck his head inside and slept."

Bushfolk drink from the eggs of ostriches (INH-B, p. 646), who (reputedly) hide their heads for instead of their whole bodies.



The goddess Frimene "stole Huehanna".




"When the earth began to move, ... Kudewa saw a hand stick out, Kumariawa’s arm. The earth opened. He turned into a parrot ["Amazona amazonica, The orange-winged parrot"]."

"a golden parrot which soon after perched on an ant-hill and disappeared into it" (CMCM, p. 65) became, when excavated, a king’s putative daughter, named Matangi, a virgin devoted to a "vow of life long celibacy" (CMCM, p. 67) : from her were "cut off the arms" (CMCM, p. 68) by Kama-deva, rider on "golden parrot" (VD).


having secretly opened the c^akara (thereby inadvertently releasing the night), Iarakaru became a white monkey

the white-monkey god Hanumant arrived "during the night" (H, p. 121); his star is Mula (MRG)



Makako (a small lizard) dissolved Kumari-awa in urine

witch-woman was dissolved by water in Wizard of Oz



Atta [‘house’ (p. 29)]-wanadi

from heavenly blowing on a wiriki [heavenly quartz-crystal (p. 194)], he originated :

wind : white wind-god is associated with white monkey in Codex Borgia, p. 57


he made s^i (sun), nuna (moon), s^iric^e (stars)




Wade the sloth-man shot birds with his blowgun




Atta, using a necklace as lure on his fishing-line, succeeded in catching mermaid Kawe-s^awa

J.J. Grandville : "fish use such lures as jewels, awards, and money ... to catch people" (SBB, p. 248)



Atta visited his fiance’e Kawe-s^awa at her underwater house in the river Kunu-kunuma

similar visit by husband to underwater town of his mermaid-wife in 1001 Nights



"Es^eu, the coati, ... got an iron needle from Ahisha, the egret. He stuck it in his penis and went off with Kaweshawa. The piranha bit into it. ... Then Odoma [the paca] did the same thing."

cf. >H.I^-S^Ah.ar; <ES`aW of >dom; [>ugaritic] legendary city >UDUM –

[Sicuani] "Fox inserts a twig or a bone into penis, makes vagina" (WP).


The piranha in Kawe-s^awa’s vagina had bitten opossum’s penis. Atta "got an ayadi vine and ... stuck the barbasco in her vagina."

[Waiwai] "hero's wife has piranha teeth in vagina; his brother loses his penis; hero bathes his wife in a fish poison, teeth fall out;"

[Yucuna] "man poisons piranha in her vagina;

[Tapirape] "she had piranha in her vagina which would have bitten off his penis; so he bathed her vagina with the fish poison" (VD).



At Kus^-amakari ["hamakari or ‘house’ of Kus^i), a "tall, tabletop mountain, ... holding up the Heavens" (p. 185)], "A huge bat guards the cave" which is the abode of "the blow-gun master".

[Kic^e (Popol Vuh)] Bat-god beheaded a blowgun-ensconced god. [Tuamotu] Peka (‘bat’ ) clan is mentioned (MW, p. 199; from PM, p. 192) along with the eel-god [cf. eels on Watunna, p. 13]



Atta made a woman of white madi-clay; then he dreamt her into life :

Pugma[l]ion made of white substance a woman who came to life (GM 65.1).



that woman when sent to fetch water, however, dissolved in the river-water.

[S^uswap] "old Grizzly Woman lives alone; makes daughter of gum, she melts in the sun; of stone, she drowns; of clay, she dissolves in water;"

[Wayabero] "Kuwoi makes woman of clay, she dissolves in water;

[Aparai] "Creator makes the first woman of clay, she dissolves under the rain;


Atta made other woman of black resin; then he dreamt her into life : that woman, however, melted away in the sunlight.

of ... resin, melts under the sun;"

[Wayana of Surinam] "man makes girls of resin, they melt under the sun" (WP)


Atta dreamed a female frog "painted on the tobacco pouch" into becoming a woman, but she began incessantly "to paint herself", so he abandoned her.


"Then he made another one, a bird woman. ... She didn’t do anything except laugh. ... He got rid of her."

[Maori] bird laughed at Maui-tikitiki while he was penetrating the vagina of Hine-nui-te-Po



Atta found Kawe-s^awa. "He turned into a cockroach. He turned her into a cockroach too."

[hence the song "La cucaracha" (LC).] If these be woodroaches, then relate the race of wooden people (in Popol Vuh, etc.).


Atta "became a woodpecker and she became a frog." [should be same frog as on p. 37]




Kurun-kumo’s retinue "went after them. Many were so drunk they ... couldn’t even shoot straight."

Inebriated Kentauroi disrupted the wedding between Peirithoos & Hippo-dameia (GM 102.d).


"The bird and frog came to a pijiguao tree. ... Then one of them burned the tree ... burned the bird’s tail. ... He flew to another tree, a pendare (chicle) tree. ... He took off for another tree called marima."

On this occasion, Theseus drave the Kentauroi to mt. Pindos of the AITHIkes (GM 102.f) [cf. AITHInos ‘burning’].


"Now he flew far away with his wife, the frog, hanging from his beak ... to a ... tree called Faru hidi. It went all the way up to Heaven. ... We see it as a mountain now (Mount Paru). Huhai see it as it really is, as a tree." Atta slew Kawe-s^ara, and "tied her up in mamure cane [in this plight was she found by Kadiio, the squirrel (p. 42)] ...

MAMoRE` river is the border betwixt Brazil & Bolivia.

[In Borneo myth,] the squirrel-god useth hollow canes as cannons.



Then he hung her ... up the Faru hidi tree."

Phaidra, the wife of Theseus, hung herself (GM 101.e).

[Sumerian] The goddess In-anna was slain and tied to a stake,



A lizard resuscitated the broken-off arm of Kawe-s^ara.

until rescued by her reviver Dumu-zid. [California Indian myths] derive the human hand from the lizard-god.



"Huehanna was buzzing ... the girl hid Huehanna in her vagina" [Huehanna was like a great ball, ... hollow, with a ... heavy shell as hard as stone." (p. 24)]

[<arabiyah] women insert into their vaginae hollow metal sphaeres, 2 each, their collisions produce vibrations (with humming sound)



she painted "her legs ... black with caruto. ... in the dark ... man ... touched Huehanna. ... She started to bleed. ... When the sun came up, ... she met her brother [Nuna] ...


He was hunting people. ... His hands were all black with caruto."




"As she ran, she dropped a gourd. ... it turned into Wiwiio, the tree duck. Another one fell. It turned into Kahiuwai, the anhinga. ... The woman ... came to the Urin~aku (Orinoco). ... Then she changed into Huiio". [" ‘Plumed Serpent’, she wears the feathered rainbow" (p. 181)].

[to the Australian aboriginees,] the rainbow is itself a feathered serpent




this brother of Wanadi "turned into a great potoo" [Nyctibus grandis, "one of the three great bird spirits living in the sixth Heaven, Matawahun~a." (p. 188)] "He called his friend Ho:ho:ttu, the owl." ["Glaucidium brasilianum phalaenoides. The ferruginous pygmy owl who lives in the sixth Heaven with Mu:do and Tawadi" (p. 180).]




"The hunters went to shoot ... Huiio ... with all those arrows stuck in her body." When the praegnant Huiio was thus slain,

[Skidi] shooting of woman with arrows in sacrifice to morning star



Kawao [the toad Pipa americana (p. 184)] the wife of Manuwa (‘jaguar’) saved alive the 2 unborn boy-children of Huiio.




Only Kawao "had the fire. She kept it hidden in her belly."

[Yaki] The toad-god "Bobok entered the house of the God of Fire and stole the fire. He carried it in his mouth, traveling through the waters." (YM&L, pp. 158-9)



the 2 sons of Huiio : "First they were boys, then fish, then crickets, then cockroaches. ... It was like four hundred kids inside that house instead of only two."

[Kic^e`] in the Popol Vuh, deeds of "two youths" (PV 1:6) are recounted immediately before deeds of "four hundred youths" (PV 1:7)



S^ikiemona "could see everything through the eye in the back of his neck."




Kawao-toad’s "fire gushed out. It burned Toad’s back."

In the Surinam-toad (Pipa americana), "the skin on the back of the female becomes soft and spongy during the breeding season" (T-BZ, vol. 2, p. 301).


Scissors were held by Kawao, who was beheaded.

Scissors were held by the beheaded living goddess Chinna-masta (C).


[5th ?]

[Ho:ho:ttu ?]

By the twins, through means of the Kara-karadi the Vulture-god, eyesight was restored to Manuwa, providing him with "great, brilliant eyes."

[Ses^ats in the Alberni district of Vancouver island] To "two blind and ancient squaws" in Heaven, Eutenlen restored the eyesight (ILVI).

[Maori] To their grandmother Whai-tiri, "her eye-sight was restored" by the twin-brethren Tawhaki & Karihi (T&PRSNZ 7:18).


Swinging on a liana "with wind from the clouds", Manuwa soared aloft;

Swinging on a liana, Karihi "was caught by a blast of wind and whirled to the other side of the skies."



thence he fell again to earth, but survived "there, at the edge of the Earth. ... He stayed there, recovering."

Thence "Karihi ... did jump, and happily alighted on his feet safely." (ML, p. 92)



"harpy eagles ...

The Harpuiai (Harpies)



began spinning in circles,

turned at "the Strophades (‘turning’) islands" (GM 150.3).


dropping their feathers." [this was effectuated through curare, at the behest of Kudene the anaconda-god, by Iahi the trumpeter (p. 86) – "Psophia crepitans. The gray-winged trumpeter" (p. 181), grey being the hue of rain-clouds.]

"his feathers flew out like white clouds. They flew and flew .... the thin white clouds". (LLPPI, p. 304) Yurlungur the cloud-serpent originated the "totemic trumpet" (BC, p. 257 -- MWW), i.e.,


"... on Tahashiho {cf. lake TAHOe, CA-NV}. Their bones stuck in the ground there ... blowgun cane". [Arthrostylidium schomburgkii (p. 185) – hollow, like birds’ bones]

the dij.eru ‘droning-pipe’.

[Mutingsa] "Eaglehawk ... makes ... a mumuna" (RB, p. 30) {cf. [<ib. H&AD 3972)] /M>UMah/ ‘nothing’ [because hollow]}



Momin~aru, seeking to please his father-in-law Sahatuma, was caught in a toroha (fish-trap). "Now the boy turns into a crab. ... Saroro, the otter comes by and sees the crab."

[Witoto] "cannibal father-in-law sends hero to control a trap for fish";

[Warao] "hero falls into bush spirits' trap like a fish; covers himself with his excrements" (DT). {"People have witnessed wild hermit crabs eating turtle pooh." (HCFT)}

[Cymry] Taliesin was found in a weir.



After having dreamt of a trap for paca, Sahatuma, in seeking to hunt peccaries, was eaten by emmets, but "couldn’t die. ...

[J.auan, Munarai, Nalakan] "a very big man named Kunapippi" (‘bullroarer’); [Mara] goddess Kunapipi devoureth men, then "she vomits their bones and ... they are revived by ants biting them." (AAR, p. 6)


It was Mado, the first Jaguar. When Sahatuma died, Jaguar’s body appeared." {with /MADO/

cf. [Skt.] /MADHU/ ‘honey’ : the honey found (S^PT.YM 14:8) by S^ims^o^n in the lion-corpse, as disclosed (14:17) by him to the his wife, who thereupon forsook him (14:20), so that it was a whore (16:1) to whom he disclosed (16:17) his further secret. -- The daughters of Kunapipi are (OM--A) the Muna-muna, who are likewise whorish goddesses.



Kuamac^i "climb up a tree. He picked a fruit. He dropped it down. When the fruit fell, water came out. ... It flooded the forest."

[S^ipibo] "he sends flood, tells them to climb a Genipa tree;



Kuama^ci "found a nest of white ants in the tree. He set it on fire."

wife turns into nest of termites; other people drowned; Sun disappeared for six days; ... throw genipa fruits down to know how high is the water" (WCh – cf. CZ, p. 50). {[Tamil] The goddess Ankalamman is located "in the cremation-ground, where she resides as the termite-mound" (TRHT)



"Wlaha ... had been left alone in the trees. Now he turned into seven."

{[theosophy] These 7 must be the 7 suks.ma-kaya maya-kos`a-s (subtle-bodies as "illusionary sheaths")!}



When an arrow was shot, "Ahishama caught the arrow. He tied it down with sahudiwa [Schnella bicomata (p. 190)].


[Dark blue-green] Frog, he glued it with peraman ["Symphonia globifera ... resin" (p. 189)].

[Ses^ats in the Alberni district of Vancouver island] Via the arrow-chain, Eutelen reached the house of Nasnas-s^up, wherebefore "there was a lake in which there lived great demon frogs" (ILVI).


The seven Wlaha shot ... Seven arrows in all. They hung there in space, seven rungs tied to that big vine. It was the ladder, the road to Heaven. ...

[C^orote of Gran Chaco] "hummingbird Sen began shooting arrows one after

the other until he had a long chain extending from heaven to earth." (LH, p. 5, referring to FLChI, pp. 225-6)


Ahishama and Ku:tto ... changed. ... They were the first two stars ... Now that Troupial named Ahishama burns orange (Mars)."

{cf. Deva-SENa, the wife of Skanda, god of the planet MARS}


[6th to 13th ?]


"Now Wlaha ... climbed right up and ... the others ... followed him. He was the guide ... He arrived at the top as seven men. They turned into stars, the seven damodede, always together (the Pleiades). ...


Wlaha’s son ... turned into three stars. Mo:netta, the scorpion, ... turned into many stars (the Big Dipper). Then Ihette went up, ... carrying his cut-off leg (Orion’s Belt). Now Amaduwakadi, the Morning Star, went up. Others went up too".




"Crab ... tried to cut the ladder. He couldn’t. ... Then ... Kahshe, the piranha ... cut it right away. ... Ioroko fell with his poison."




Makusani, his reflection having been seen in the water by Nuna the moon-man, became Nuna’s prospective son-in-law : "that man’s daughter carried the firewood"

[Munduruku`]Offended by Perisuat, fire-owning bird-woman Inambu flew "away taking her fire with her" :



until Makusani frightened her away by his praetense of attacking wasps.

Perisuat is rescued from old woman by wasp et al. (DP).



Having taken refuge from Nuna with S^i the sun-man, Makusani was told by him not to "go looking through the blowgun’s hole".

[Kekc^i] C>awa Aatan the sun-god is possessor of blowgun which



Having been told by S^i daughter that "when you look through the hole in the blowgun ... You see the Earth, ... You see all the people and villages down there", Makusani peered through it along with her : "Then the two of them fell ... through space all the way down to the earth, to the house of that boy’s mother. ... She threw some pebbles at him, laughing, ... the way women do when they want to flirt." Although he had instructed her not to, when Makusani was temporarily absent, his mother opened the basket, and thus discovered her son’s fiance’e S^i daughter.

is used by him as telescope; but his daughter obscured its objective in order to flee with her lover (G&P).

{cf. [Iban] telescope-observatory as a station along the road for souls of the dead}



Not believing the snake’s explanation, Makusani’s mother expelled the snake; but he found his fiance’e and "They both went back to Shin~a."



[14th ?]

Iyako as damodede

"Iyako, the veinteicuatro ant, used to come down to Earth".

[Irish Voyage of Ma`el Du`in] "they came across the island inhabited by giant ants." (LS)


"Hunger and thirst came." Daric^e ["Streptoprocne zonaris. The white-collared swift who went to lake Akuena to bring the first water (the Old Water) down to Earth." (p. 178)] : "He brought it to the Kashishare (Casiquiare)." {= Kasikiale temple of the Kogi}

[Irish Voyage of Ma`el Du`in] "Three days after they encounter with the ants, they were short on food. The voyagers came upon an island with terraces and large trees. All around they found birds." (LS)



In heaven, in the garden of goddess Iaman-kave "There was every kind of fruit up on that tree."

In heaven, the tree of life "bare twelve manner of fruits" (Apokalupsis of Ioannes 22:2).



"And she [Iaman-kave] gave [her sister] Iumankawa Kuchi’s ["Potos flavus chapadensis. ... the kinkajou ... with enormous eyes and a long, coiled tail, used to hang from branches during the night." (p. 184)] skin back."

[Irish Voyage of Ma`el Du`in] "a monster upon a flat stone platform, performing its daily exercise. The exercise involved turning his body around and around without moving his skin." (LS)



"Now a branch full of cucurito came crashing down. "Ahhhhhhh!" they shouted . Here comes our food."" ["Maximiliana regia. ... the cokerite" (p. 178)] = palm-dates.

[Irish Voyage of Ma`el Du`in] "the animals look they were set ablaze. These creatures would shake the fruits out of the trees, before eating them." (LS)



"Semesia ["Campylorhamphus trochilirostris. The red-billed scythebill" (p. 190)] gave them a strainer to carry the water in."




"The tree just wouldn’t fall. ... It’s tangled up there in the sky."

[Irish Voyage of Ma`el Du`in] "the giant eight-sided silver pillar in the middle of the sea. The pillar was so high, that the top disappeared somewhere in the sky. What they also found was that a large silver net was found on one side of the pillar. ...


"Kadiio ["Guerlinguetus aestuans. The squirrel whose home is located on the top of the Duida [plateau]" (p. 182)] cut Marahuaka ["The ... mountain ... ‘Little Gourd’ " (p. 186)]. He cut it up there in Heaven, It was an upside down tree, with its roots on top."

As they passed through the net, Diurán cut out a large piece of the mesh. " (ICB)


"Now four waterfalls came down from the top of Marahuaka, from the cliffs : Motasha, Iamo, Namanama, and Kuhuaka. ...

In Kushamakari [‘house of Kus^i’], three waterfalls were searching for paths, Auakosho, Iukati, and Matuhushi."




"As they were dancing and singing, they turned into birds of every color."

[Irish Voyage of Ma`el Du`in] "When the bird emerged from the lake, the ancient bird was transformed as strong, young bird. Then the great bird flew back where it came from." (QMC)



"Wachedi [‘tapir’] ... heard : "... Now we’re going to eat leaves and roots, brother-in-law.""

[Irish Voyage of Ma`el Du`in] "As a hermit, he lived on the rock, surviving on just the seven cakes and the watery whey, for seven years." (F&H)



Wanadi "made Wahnatu, the first man ... Like a clay doll, he made him."




"Now, with the same clay, he made Wetashi, the first woman."




"Your bodies will die. Your akato ["The body’s companion spirit or double" (p. 176)] will ... ask the keeper of the door, the Scissors Master, if they can pass. The good ones will pass. They’ll climb many ladders to their houses in the Sky. The bad one won’t pass. The Scissors Master will slice them to bits in the door."




"To stop Odosha, Wanadi made fifteen rapids along the Kunukunuma. He made the rapids called Tukudi, Makuduma, Uamoatadi, Huennachadi, Amekuishodi, Mawadishodi, Hauhishodi, Wachedishodi, Huhanashodi, Schihiemenashodi, Kuttonashodi, Mahakonashodi, Tauatuhashodi, and Sinashodi."


"Odosha ... sent a dog against Wanadi. The dog turned into a jaguar. Wanadi ... ground up its bones and blew on them. That’s how the mosquitos and gnats were born. They took off from Boca Wichada."

[S^ipibo] "ashes turned into mosquitoes" (E)


"Now Wanadi came to Maihiudi (Maipures), a little below Boca Wichada. He made his last people, the Matuto, on the rocks along the shore there. Those people turned into butterflies." ["the Makiritare do not distinguish between butterflies, and refer to them all as Matuto, claiming it is the same insect continually painting itself with different designs." (p. 187)]

"Then Wanadi cut out his [own] stomach. ... It’s a rapids on the Orinoco now. Wanadi Nikiutahidi (Raudel del Muerto) is what we call it."

Maui-tikitiki died, either [Maori] by becoming a caterpillar, or else [Tuamotu] by proceeding "to exchange stomachs with Rori the sea slug" (HM, p. 234 -- MT) (viz., seacucumber = trepang) : "he made Sea-slug's stomach protrude." (VS, p. 196) [This is the trepang’s usual everting (by extruding) its stomach in order to feed.]



"He dreamt ... That’s the way he made the Cataniapo ... On the shore he made a tree called Akuhua (Virola)." ["A hallucinogenic snuff made from the resin extracted from the towering Virola calophylla tree of the Mysisticaceae family." (p. 176)]


Odos^a "was in the Earth’s Heaven, the bad Heaven."




"The Waitie were the so’to first chiefs, their kahitana. ... Before ths Waitie, the Huhai commanded. There were six Huhai : three Medatia ..., then three Wasaha ["The ceremonial dance stick ... Hollowed out, with deer hooves atttached to the top, the Wasaha is ... beaten by the lead ... singer at festivals in order to keep the rhythm." (p. 193)]."




"The Kaliana (Sape) live on Nount Kueki hidi. ... Their chief went up to Heaven, to the house of the Setawa ["The shaman masters who dwell in Iadekuma, the second Heaven. Never eating or sleeping, ... it is their form which is carved on the handle of every shaman’s maraca." (p. 190)], the maraca spirits. He got a maraca ["The shaman’s gourd rattle whose great magical properties are attributed to the wiriki crystals inside it." (p. 186)] and came back down to earth. That maraca was Medatia’s." [Maraca island is in the river Farimi/Parima (Uraricoera).]

cf. [Skt.] /SETU/ ‘bridge’

BhTK = http://www.saiyouthcanada.com/Discourses/prema_vahini.htm#prema_25

INH-B = J. G. Wood : Illustrated Natural History – Birds. London, 1862.

CMCM = "Cultural Milieu of Cindu Madigas and Their Bhagavatams." http://dspace.vidyanidhi.org.in:8080/dspace/bitstream/2009/1104/4/UOH-2000-190-3.pdf

H = Catherine Ludvik : Hanuman. 1997.

MRG = http://www.maheronline.org/religion/gods.asp

VD = http://www.scotlandistheplace.co.uk/stitp/1906.html

MW = Erica Helm Meade : The Moon in the Well.

PM = Joseph Campbell : Primitive Mythology. http://www.archive.org/stream/masksofgodprimit008825mbp/masksofgodprimit008825mbp_djvu.txt

SBB = The Smithsonian Book of Books. Washington (DC), MCMXCII.

WP = http://www.ruthenia.ru/folklore/berezkin/eng/021_19.htm

LC = http://www.pamrotella.com/polhist/lacucaracha.html

GM = Robert Graves : The Greek Myths. 1955.

YM&L = Ruth Warner Giddings : Yaqui Myths And Legends. 1959. http://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/sw/yml/yml60.htm

PV 1:6 = http://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/maya/pvgm/pv14.htm http://www.geocities.com/athens/academy/7286/popolvuhmain.html#anchor613325

PV 1:7 = http://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/maya/pvgm/pv15.htm http://www.geocities.com/athens/academy/7286/popolvuhmain.html#anchor68277

T-BZ = Parker & Haswell : A Text-Book of Zoology. 3rd edn., London, 1921.

C = http://www.srividya.org/Srividya/Svtsweb/apps/st_Chandi.php

ILVI = Alfred Carmichael : Indian Legends of Vancouver Island. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/9459/9459.txt

ML = James Izett : Maori Lore. Wellington, 1904.

LLPPI = Dean & Lucille Saxton : Legends and lore of the Papago and Pima Indians. U of AZ Pr, Tucson, 1973.

BC = William Lloyd Warner : A Black Civilization : a Study of an Australian Tribe. 1937.

MWW = http://www.radicalanthropologygroup.org/class_text_060.pdf

H&AD = Strong : Hebrew & Aramaic Dictionary of Bible Words.

RB = Max Charlesworth (ed.) : Religious Business : Essays on Australian Aboriginal Spirituality. Cambridge U Pr, 1999.

DT = http://www.ruthenia.ru/folklore/berezkin/eng/071_36.htm

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AAR = ICONOGRAPHY OF RELIGIONS, Section 5 – "Australia" , No. 3 = Ronald M. Berndt : Australian Aboriginal Religion. 1974.

OM—A = http://www.janesoceania.com/oceaniamyths_australia/index.htm

WCh = http://www.ruthenia.ru/folklore/berezkin/eng/041_60.htm

CZ = The Cosmic Zygote. http://copland.udel.edu/~roe/TheCosmicZygote/ch2.pdf

TSHT = "Transgressive Sacrality in Hindu Tradition". http://www.svabhinava.org/TSHT-old/TSHT-AAR/TSHT-AAR.html

LH = "Ladder-to-Heaven". http://www.maverickscience.com/myth-ladder.pdf

FLChI = J. Wilbert & K. Simoneau : Folk Literature of the Chorote Indians. Los Angeles, 1985.

G&P = http://www.ruthenia.ru/folklore/berezkin/eng/061_15.htm

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HM = Martha Beckwith : Hawaiian Mythology. 1940.

MT = http://www.sacred-texts.com/pac/hm/hm18.htm

VS = Te Rangi Hiroa : Vikings of the Sunrise. http://www.nzetc.org/tm/scholarly/tei-BucViki-t1-body-d1-d14.html

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