Temputn Nayu> (Origin of sky-spirits) of the Benua> of Kalimantan

Benciakn as Perseus





Nayu> Deolonokn __ were brethren: Utak & Payakn

Diktus & Polu-dektes were brethren (GM 73.c).

64, 66

those brethren forced marriage on the +Bulatn Lio & +Bulatn Rano, the mothers of Uda> Nayu> & Bela> Nayu>, who befriended B.

Polu-dektes sought to force marriage (with himself) upon +Danae (GM 73.d); P. opposed this.


B. was "a killer ... of women"

P. killed the demi-goddess Medousa:


B. overcame the talking swords

from her came the falchion (scimetar)-demigod Khrus-aor (GM 73.h).

B. was a head-hunter

P. was a head-hunter.


deities originated out of the blood dripping from the decapitated heads being carried by B.

a swarm of venemous serpents was produced out of the blood dripping from the decapitated head being carried by P. (GM 73.i).


the guardian of the door of the heavens lowered a pestle to B. who was at the crest of the mountain

Atlas, who upheld the sky, was transformed into a mountain by P. (loc. cit.).

pp. 67-69 deities originated from blood of the slain [N. = Nayu>; T. = Tanur]

{cf. similar parentless-originations of deities in the Kojiki, etc.}


from blood spilled on __

originated __ (deity)

67, 69


N. Doyapm Jutui & N. Doyapm Ayo



N. Memelemekn


N. Seletap Sapo


N. Telentakn Teau


N. Temelili Olo


N. Riak & Radak; Sese & Use & Nempar Bulau


Tatau Tamak Bukn, Ma> Unti ("water-well"), N. Pepuatn Ontekn, N. Deraya Omekn


Mila> Manca> Nayun Jawa>, Mila> Maliu Nayun Jawa>, Radetn Bulau Nayun Jawa>, N~alan Bulau Nempesuakn


Belida> Balai Tana, Jerebe> Luakn Ikui, Gerunikn Balai Bulau


Seleu Liakn & Bincakn Seleu Layutn

around mt. Tanur

Bun~ak-N~an~ak Kekekn T., Jaukn Janok Kenekn T., Marukn Tutu head of the Barito, Marakn Tinan Koakn Bonakn, Tapik Ampah at the mouth of the Wanan, Iman Bulau at the head of the Lahei

climbing mt. Tanur

Paukn Lesukn Tenah T. & Toni>-Tonotn Tenah T.

crest of the mt.

Tamelawui Usuk T.

p. 70 when the guardian of the door of heaven kicked them down thence, Delonokn Utak & Delonokn Payakn fell, died, and became Selebintik Buntukn Bentas & Lenau Bulau Bukn Natakn.

p. 70 Benciakn, brother of Lan~akn, then returned to Batu> Galakn Nayu>. Would this place-name be associated with Naga> Galakn Tana>, place of Ilokn (= Iloko of Luzon?)?

Naga> Galakn Tana> is paired (Temputn, p. 58) with (volcano) Mentiyalikn, place of Bontik (= Bontok Igorot of Luzon?) [volcanoes are abodes of souls of the dead, in Solomon is.]

cf. (volcano, GM 75.6) Khimaira of (GM 75.b) king Io-bates; king Io-bates being allied (GM 73.a) with Proitos [= Skt. preta "unborn soul"] the human father of Perseus.

As a composite animal Khimaira (GM 75.b), or as a composite-animal-style pirates' ship Kheimarrhos (GM 75.d), the connection with preta ("soul between lives, soul to-become-relinked-to-body") would seem to confirm a Bauddha hypothesis of the composite nature of the soul.

alternative parallelism: Benciakn as Kuknos of Anauros



pp. 63-64 the Nayu> Olikn brethren were slain, and their sons Uda> & Bela> were carried off, by the Delonokn brethren.

Theio-[menes] was slain, and his (Th.-m.'s) son Hulas was carried off, by Hera-klees (GM 143.a). His (Th.-M.'s) successor Plulas was likewise slain Hera-klees (GM 143.b).

p. 63 the Delonokn brethren despoiled the Nayu> Olikn brethren's corpses [of their heads].

Hera-klees and Io-laos then despoiled Kuknos's corpse (GM 143.g).

p. 66 Benciakn was sympathizer, on account of their fathers' deaths, with Uda> & Bela>.

Anauros (GM 143.g) was place of chosen by Kehuks as burial-place of Kuknos.

p. 69 Benciakn was pursued for despoiling the the Delonokn brethren's corpses [of their heads].

+Athene had warned Hera-klees not to despoil the corpse of Kuknos (GM 143.g).

The Benua>, though now in the valley of the Mahakam, hail earlier from the valley of the river TIWai / Tiwe / Tewe (Temputn, p. 1), a tributary to the river Barito. TIW is the Old English (cf. Norse Ty`-r) cognate to [Skt.] DIVas-pati Indra, husband to +DIVA, goddess of riches whose name is aequivalent to the "Minoan Linear B script" goddess +DIWA, ancestress (GM 143.c) to the tribe ruled over by Theio-menes & Phulas. They occupied (GM 143.b) Hermione, a town named for the wife (GM 114.f) of Orestes -- +Hermione is cognate with [Skt.] +Sarama the bitch, wife (according to the Veda) of the dog Sisira, whose name is cognate Sisra> who was murdered treacherously by a woman after he was lured into drinking (S^PTYM 4:19-21), much as Hulas was lured (GM 150.b) underwater by the granddaughter of +Diwa.

GM = Robert Graves: The Greek Myths. 1955

Michael Hopes; Madrah; and Kraakng: Temputn. Puspa Swara, Jakarta, 1997.