Kivioq / Oogoon

parallels with other mythologies



he falls into the clutches of one or two (versions vary) cannibalistic witches, but the bones of their previous victims warn Kivioq and he escapes with his life.”

Sandwich Is. (HM, p. 259) :Wahieloa's bones are recovered by his son Laka.

a) an island where he must slay two whale-sized caterpillars”

Sandwich Is. : gigantic caterpillar is encountred by soul of the dead along the trail to the land for the souls of the dead.

b) a battle with a giant clam that tries to devour him and his kayak”

Tahiti, Tuamotu, Rarotonga, Aitutaki, Pukapuka (HM, pp. 266-70) : Lata/Rata killed (or escaped) a gigantic clam.

c) an encounter with the salmon god Eqatlejoq, who carves a giant salmon for Kivioq to ride back to shore”

New Zealand : Kae rode a whale back onto shore (“KThWh”). Iceland : “Loki hid himself in Franang's waterfall in the guise of a salmon” (PE, p. 173).

d) killing a katutajuk (Inuit monsters that are literally just big heads on short, stubby legs ...).”

Pukapuka (HM, p. 270) : Lata's boat's crew included sailors with name meaning 'Head'.

e) a battle with giant spiders who have the heads of human females and who feed on the Inuit people”

Gilbert Is. (“MO&DM”) : “Ancient Spider” who discovered tridachna-sea-snails must have been sea-spider; this “Ancient Spider” sent an insect to alight on persons' noses

f) slaying a ten- legged polar bear by concealing himself in one of the food caches the bear was raiding”

(“Ten-legged” could refer to crabs, having 8 legs + 2 claws.) Tuamotu, Marquesa, Pukapuka (HM, pp. 268-70) : Lata/Rata trapped crabs.

g) a monster who strangles people with its own intestines”

Iceland : Loki is kept tied up with the guts of his own son Narfi (PE 49 note; PrE, p. 77).

h) an encounter with a sinister, magical little boy who draws monsters on the sides of igloos, then brings those drawings to life to do his bidding”

Kic^e (PV, p. 246) : Mahucutah's “painted bumblebees and wasps” on clothing come to life and sting the persons wearing the clothing.

HM = Martha Beckwith : Hawaiian Mythology. Yale U Pr, 1940. “Wahieloa-Laka Cycle”

KThWh” = “Kae's Theft of the Whale”

MO&DM” = “Myths of Origins and the Deluge of Micronesia” {This Gilbertese motif is similar to that whereby death-deities' names become known, in the Popol Vuh.}

PE = Henry Adams Bellows (transl.) : The Poetic Edda. 1936. “Lokasenna”

PrE = Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur (transl.) : The Prose Edda. 1916.

PV = Allen J. Christenson (transl.) : Popol Vuh. O Bks, 2003.