>eprayim & Mnas^s^eh

The father of Mnas^s^eh was perturbed (Bre>s^it 49:17) because Mnas^s^eh was subjected to the influence of the sinstral (left) : the word for the sinistral being in Hellenic /LAI[W]O-/, a word cognate with Latin /liv-/ 'obLIVious, forgetful', which is denoted by Strong's 4519 'Forgetfulness' /Mnas^s^eh/, cognate with the Hellenic name /Menoitios/ of a son of Euru-medon, whose name in turn resembleth that of Euru-anassa/Astu-medousa, wife of LAI[W]Os. Because the sinistral involved was the 'hand' (Strong's 3027 /yad/, cognate with */yadho-/ > /Zetho-/), it is pertinent that Zethos obstructed (DCM, s.v. "Laios") Lai[w]os from the kingship.

The tribe-name />eprayim/ is a dual likely derived from Strong's 666 />per/ 'turban', and thus signifying 'doubly turbanned'. The tur-ban[d] (Persian /dul-band/ 'turn-band') is a variety of headband; and the word for 'headband' is Hellenic is /miter/, and term used in ecclesiastic jargon to signify a bishop's headdress : a pair of triangular boards fastened together at their apices, and held onto the head with a headband. On the triangular island of Sicilia, the shape of "a priest's hat" is likened to that of a that of a flying-saucer seen at close range, while a great distance it is likened to droplet of "mercury" (GS&CG, p. 124). The planet Mercury itself is identified as abode of god Budha, so that Siddha-artha Gautama became a Buddha by witnessing (from under the Bodhi-tree) the rising of that planet just before sunrise, while it was as yet night : hence the saying "Night shall be enlightment (>o^rah) about me" (Thilli^m 139:11), or else for (Js^a<yah 60:3) "kings at the brightness of thy rising" (because Siddha-artha would have become a Cakra-vartin at sunrise, had he not achieved enlightenment before then). Because the most-attested set of home-bases of the flying-saucers is in the globular-clustre Pleiades, therefore "the father of the Pleiades" is (GM 39.d) Atlas, brother of (GM 39.a) Menoitios. The name /Atlant-/ is likely derived (via Skt. /A-tala/) from Strong's 2919 /t.al/ 'dew', for a set of globular dewdrops could be likened to a set of globular quicksilver-droplets; and hence the expression "dew of lights" (Js^a<jah 26:19 http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Isaiah%2026:19 ), also known as "dew of the resurrection" (http://www.chabad.org/kabbalah/article_cdo/aid/380694/jewish/Get-Up-Luz-Bones.htm ), referring to resucitating powers of the flying-saucers.

The capacity of flying saucers to expunge one's memory of a visitation from them, is ample reason for >eprayim to have as his brother 'Forgetfulness' /Mnas^s^eh/.

The contrast of (S^apat.i^m 12:5-6) S^ibbolet (Strong's 7641 'branch') for Gil<ad, vs Sibbolet (Strong's 5451 'spike (ear) of corn') for >eprayim, is reconciled in the constellation-figure Parthenos/Virgo, for she graspeth both (http://www.skyscript.co.uk/virgo_myth.html ) "a palm branch in her left hand and an ear of corn in her right."

Constellation-figure Parthenos/Virgo is identified by Huginos (Astronomika 2.25 -- http://www.theoi.com/Titan/Astraia.html ) as Dike 'Righteous' the daughter of Astraia; that constellation otherwise identified (by Publius Vergilius Maro, of which the /Maro[n]/ is reflective of the denomination in Lubnan : "Syriac Maron" referring to Jho^s^u<a 11:5-7 Mero^m http://www.mormondialogue.org/topic/53659-book-of-mormon-words/ ) as (GM 79.b) Erigone, heroine who invented (GM 79.a) "swings"; for the stars swing in the sky (according to the Kumulipo). 'Starry' is the meaning of the name of Astraia, who with her "virgin milk" (Nonnos : Dionusiaka 41.212 sq ) nourished her foster-daughter Beroia (= the city H.aleb 'Milk', although referred by Rouse to "Beruit", i.e. Beirut the capital of Lubnan).

The "virgin's milk" is similar to the Irish "heifer's milk" of the 'grey heifer' belonging to the smith Lon mac Liomhtha (DI, p. 885), namesake of Lon-dinium (London) : this heifer was appraehended by Cian (*Cani) = Skt. S`ani, god of planet Saturn, wherefore Astraia "importunes Saturnus’ star" (Valerius Flaccus : Argonautica 2.356 sq -- http://www.theoi.com/Titan/Astraia.html).

Because the heifer's milk is renowned for "overflowing" (DI, p. 884) its milk-pail and thereby forming "rivulets" in "channels", therefore overflowing is attributed in Thilli^m 69:2 and 69:15 to the s^ibbolet (http://biblehub.com/hebrew/7641.htm). That in attending to this heifer the sons of Lon "held her by the tail" (DI, p. 885), may be an indication of the Varn.a-As`rama-Dharma doctrine that after death one's soul may entre heaven by holding onto the tail of a dhenu (cow).

Because PHALeRon is a sea-port (of Athenai), the cognately-named god BALoR of Tory used every night to "shake flour over the sea" (DI, p. 888), such activity being perhaps aequivalent to the aspergation alluded to when, prior to his having arranged the affair of s^ibboleth, Jiptah. 'Opener' had narrated (S^apat.i^m 11:19-20) the tale about Sih.o^n [Priory of Sion, in France?], whose name is likely cognate with Skt. /sic-/ 'to sprinkle'); and in that tale, the battlefield Yahas. (S^apat.i^m 11:20) is apparently named for Strong's 2021 hos.en 'chariot' (likely cognate with Skt. /kup-/ 'to be agitated' -- perhaps alluding the self-agitated sea -- along with the chariot which traveled upon the sea-waves according to the Old English Rune-Poe:m, s.v. "Yng[vi]").

To Balor's daughter goddess Ethnea (whose name is aequivalent to */atno-/, the etymon of Latin /annus/ 'year'/, and making her aequivalent to Latin goddess Anna Perenna 'year by year') came a lover (macKineely, variant of Cian) "dressed as a woman" (DI, p. 890), much as "for one year" (GM 136.a) a lover was hired by Ludia's queen Omphale to cohabit with her while he remained dressed in a woman's clothing (GM 136.h). Their son was named /LAMo-/ (GM 136.g), thus cognate with the name /LAMh-fada/ of (G&FM, lib. 2, cap. 1) the son of Cian and Ethlinn (Balor's daughter).


Jis`ra>eli Mythography Prior to the Makkabaios Dynasty

Not until after the Makkabaian conquaests are the various extant scriptural source-texts (E[lohist], J[howist], P[riestly]) likely to have been fused together, nor, perhaps, even composed. The date when the original polytheism implied by the grammatically plural divine name />lohi^m/ was forcibly eliminated may have been that late; and polytheism can possibly be praesumed to have been the norm in Jis`ra>el perhaps even during the Akhaimenian dynasty, judging from that dynasty's toleration of continued polytheism in TL-MRJ (Aiguptos), and from the favorable reception of Alexandros ho Megalos (whose hegemony returned official polytheism into international vogue, after its possible lack of praevalence in some provinces during nominal Zaratustrian dominance).

Some historians ascribe the entire extant To^rah textuality to the Hasmonean dynasty, subsequent to the Makkabaian dynasty.

It is a leading quaestion (important to the quaestions aconcerning the antecedents to the sourcing Christianity, because of the likely patterning of the character of Jes^uwa< in imitation of that of Jho^s^uwa<) when the myth of Jho^s^uwa< was transformed into [the extant myth of] genocide of all indigenous populations (of the tribes of Kna<an). Because Jho^s^uwa< is mythic leader of the tribe >eprayim, this transformation was likely undertaken by adversaries (praesumably Jhudi^ ones) of that tribe. This transmutation of myth was intended to rendre the most prominent hero of the tribe >eprayim into a genocidal maniac, with the intent of such a rendition to caricature that tribe's membres as genocidal fiends, so as to shift any mercantile and financial relations with foreign nationals away from that tribe and thus the politically dominant tribe Jhudah.


Concealed Literary Satire of the tribe Jhudah by the tribe >prayi^m During the Aftermath of the Hasmonean Dynasty

The concealment suggested would be of a denunciation of the political manoeuvring of a Rhoman governor's patronage in favor of the tribe Jhudah, at the expense of enhancing that Rhoman governor's hostility the tribe >eprayim.

The mode of concealment suggested would be by substituting the stock-character name of a Jhudi high priest for the concealed name of the Jo^sepi^ high priest.

The motive for the concealment suggested would be the peril experienced by undercover agents of the tribe >eprayim residing in deep cover within the confines of the tribe Jhudah.

The specifics of this case are :

Pontius Pilatus as governor of the Ioudaia (a sub-province of the province Suria, and thus retaining his governorship subject to continued approval by the governor of Suria) was stationed in Hierosolume. There, he was cajoled by Jhudi^ politicians to perpetrate the massacre of the prophet of the >eprayim during a religious celebration on Mt Grizi^m (whose sacrality was in rivalry to the sacrality of Mt S.iy^o^n in the territory of Jhudah).

Historically, the tribe >eprayim sent a delegation to the Rhoman governor to apprise him of this massacre; and he duly responded by dismissing Pontius Pilatus from governorship.

Now, the Eu-angelia were written (in the Hellenic language, in order to be read by Hellenes resident in Palaistine) by undercover agents of the tribe >eprayim,

(1) without mention of dismissal from office (on account of his murdering a prophet along with that prophet's retinue) of Pontius Pilatus, lest (if the dismissal were to be mentioned) it easily be surmised by murderous Jhudi^m that the satire was intended on behalf of the prophet of the tribe >eprayim [upon which surmise, all undercover agents of the tribe >eprayim distributing the satirical broadside-pamphlet Eu-angelion would be forthwith murdered by a Jhudi^ mob]; and

(2) the name of the prophet of the tribe >eprayim was altered [in that pamphlet-tract] to the well-known name of several successive high-priests of Jhudah, namely /Jes^uwa</. However, the events described (murder of a prophet by Pontius Pilatus) had no correspondence to the biographies of any of those high-priests of Jhudah : but anyone sufficiently familiar with recent local current historical events would be able to decipher the substitution of one name for another. (Undercover agents commonly use name-substitution; substituting a seemingly veritable name is more likely to pass muster with military censors, than would be some fictitious name, which could stir suspicions.)

The title /Khristos/ (/Mas^iyah./) is simply an allusion to the high-priest's being caerimonially inaugurated into office, which included being anointed with holy-oil. Most usually this would refer directly to the high-priests of the tribe Jhudah; so that emperor Nero in accusing "Khristianoi" of setting fire to the city of Rhoma, intended to mean agents of the high-priest of Jhudah -- indeed, it may have been religious authorities of the tribe >eprayim who suggested to him to rendre this accusation.


Strong's = Hebrew & Aramaic Dictionary of Bible Words.

DCM = Grimal (transl. by Maxwell-Hyslop) : Dictionary of Classical Mythology.

GS&CG = Hilary Evans : Gods, Spirits, Cosmic Guardians. Aquarian Pr, Wellingborough, 1987.

GM = Robert Graves : The Greek Myths. 1955.

DI = William Copeland Borlase : The Dolmens of Ireland. Chapman & Hall Ltd, 1897. http://books.google.co.jp/books?id=wvJMAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA883#v=onepage&q&f=false

G&FM = Lady I. A. Gregory : Gods and Fighting Men. 1905. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/14465/14465-h/14465-h.htm#L6

[2nd & 3rd sections written June 3rd, 1st section June 3rd-4th 2014]